What is Regression Testing: Definition, Best Practices, and Tools

Sasha Andrieiev
1 min readJun 12, 2020


Regression testing is a software testing practice that ensures an application still functions as expected after any code changes, updates, or improvements. Regression testing is responsible for the overall stability and functionality of the existing features.

What are the types of regression testing?

  • Unit regression tests;
  • Partial regression;
  • Complete regression.

The best automated regression testing tools:

  • Selenium;
  • IBM Rational Functional Tester;
  • Sahi Pro;
  • TestComplete;
  • TimeShiftX.

Regression testing is efficient as part of a comprehensive testing methodology within the Software Development Lifecycle. It must be cost and resource-efficient while incorporating a well-designed strategy. Nowadays, regression testing is gaining momentum as an essential aspect of a dynamic, iterative development and deployment software process, and all testers should take advantage of it.

Follow the guide below to learn more.




Sasha Andrieiev
Sasha Andrieiev

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