Are you wondering what the best code editor for now is?
The Best Code Editors: Full Guide to the TOP Free and Paid
There are plenty of options, and it can be confusing which one to choose. We tried various options and decided to share our top free and paid editors. Here’s our list.
What to look for in a code editor? First, you need to think about what you are expecting. For example, we prefer coding editors that have auto-completion features. But others may find it distracting. Some coders might want a dark or light color scheme for their UI that can be interchanged.
We tried various options and decided to share our top free and paid editors.
Let’s start by discussing the free ones!
Our first option is Visual Studio Code. It is a cross-platform text editor that can run on any device. We like it as it provides users with all the necessary features like auto-completion and system debugging.
The second one is Sublime Text. It supports cross-platform integration and has been optimized for quick speed and an easy-to-use interface. Notice that it is free only for a trial period.
This video presents a selection of the best code editors. Check it out
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