Acceptance criteria: Definition, Types and Best Practices

Sasha Andrieiev
1 min readMay 21, 2020


Acceptance criteria are the pre-established standards (requirements) a product or a project must meet. Acceptance criteria can also be defined as the conditions that a software product must satisfy to be accepted by a user, customer, or another stakeholder.

Acceptance criteria are also called the “definition of done” because they define the scope and requirements of user stories. They give developers the context needed to execute on a user story.

Acceptance criteria are unique for each user story and define the feature behavior from the user’s perspective.

Best practices for writing acceptance criteria:

  • Avoid making acceptance criteria too narrow;
  • Make sure the acceptance criteria are testable;
  • Make the acceptance criteria concise;
  • Share your ideas.

We have prepared a full guide, profoundly explaining acceptance criteria meaning and types, introducing all its best practices.



Sasha Andrieiev
Sasha Andrieiev

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