A Practical Guide to Implementing Digital Transformation

Sasha Andrieiev
Oct 28, 2020


To keep up with the changing technological scenarios companies need to go change their structure to support agility. This is called a digital transformation. In this blog, we will understand the meaning of digital transformation and the steps a CIO should take to strategically pivot their companies for this transformation.

What can be transformed digitally?

1. Customer experience:

  • Omnichannel communication;
  • Self-service and IoT;
  • Better customer segmentation;
  • Marketing experiments (MNG: change management);
  • Chatbots (NLP chatbots, funnel chatbots);
  • Autofunnels;
  • AI quality assurance;
  • Personalization: CRM, scripts, flex price.

2. Personnel:

  • New digital corporate culture;
  • New project management approach.

Innovations for digital transformation:

  • Blockchain;
  • Drones;
  • Voice assistants;
  • Internet of Things;
  • 3D printing;
  • AR / VR;
  • Ecosystem approach to technology;
  • Narrow niches.

The company culture will always resist new digital disruption and technology. However, gradually encouraging people to adopt the benefits and advantages of these digital technologies can allow the entire community of workers and even customers to adjust to the new technology. The business will operate effectively if this evolution of technology is supported rather than rejected or completely ignored. Follow the guide to learn more.




Sasha Andrieiev
Sasha Andrieiev

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